PFNI September 2024 Prayer Focus

We at PFNI wish to thank everyone for your continued prayerful support. To help you know what to pray for, please view and download the September edition of our Prayer Focus.

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Prison Fellowship is a Christian ministry responding to the spiritual, emotional, social and practical needs of prisoners, released prisoners and their families. Offering hope and a new beginning.

Learn more about Prison Fellowship Northern Ireland here >>


“The Prison Fellowship Centre has been a bright shining light to me…”
“It’s a place of comfort love and where I’ve been listened to…”
“You can be yourself and be able open yourself to the staff…”
“It’s a place that helps so many people who got lost along the way to find hope…”

Discover how our programmes benefits everyone affected by crime >>

Get Involved


Would you like to impact thousands of lives around Northern Ireland?


PFNI needs your support. Get involved today by praying and sign up for our Prayer Focus prayer guide and join a local Prayer Group near to your home. Please sign up to our quarterly newsletter News Focus and consider donating to PFNI to support our work.


Have you considered becoming a volunteer? The work of PFNI benefits greatly from volunteers just like you, especially with our Christmas Hope programme. Learn more about volunteering here.


Prison Fellowship NI is honoured to be the 2024/25 Presbyterian Women’s Special Home Project within the theme of ‘Entrusted’. The announcement was made at the recent PW conference and enables PFNI to share our mission with new congregations throughout the island of Ireland. Watch a special video and contact us to speak at your church or Christian gathering.

Come and join our team