Lynne NeilAftercare at PFNI is carried out on an individual basis, through group and regular activities at our PF Centre in Belfast.


Through our Aftercare project we offer support to men and women who have been in prison or have interacted with the criminal justice system and are resident in NI. We draw alongside those who experience difficulties with homelessness, poverty, addiction, unemployment, benefits, education, social exclusion, loneliness, transport, medical services and integrating back into the community.


Our staff and volunteers are motivated by their faith and seek to mirror the ministry of Christ and how He came alongside, listened and served the people He met, on many occasions going out of His way to find those most in need and excluded by society. The religious leaders, general population and the government of the day excluded many such people. This is best described as going on a journey, walking alongside, being there and standing shoulder to shoulder with the individuals.


We do not set out to replicate the great work done by others in the area of aftercare and resettlement and in fact actively encourage the men and women we help to engage with the statutory organisations, professional counselling services, work programmes and other voluntary organisations. It is our vision that the life of an ex-prisoner will be transformed, by offering them Hope and a New Beginning.


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